Friday, October 7, 2022

Bible trivia

 This week I have been struck by a particular reading from the Sunday readings this is the epistle reading 2 Tim. 2:8-15.

The reason I was struck by the passage is that it speaks a lot to me about one of my favourite things. This is discussing the Bible. In the last week, I downloaded an app which was called Bible trivia. I did this to test myself.  It was really easy. However, the game came with an image of Jesus and words in a speech bubble saying, ‘ how well do you know me?’  this made me delete the app. I didn't want to be guilted into testing my Bible knowledge. Although, I may have given up anyway, in case I embarrassed myself by not knowing the answer. 

Our knowledge of the Bible is meant to help us. It is good to know lots about the Bible but it is a living and breathing document which needs to speak to us. The Bible allows us to hear or read God's word to us. In the passage from 2 Timothy we are given an example of how we should use the Bible and our knowledge of it. In verse 14 there is a warning to not wrangle with words. I love words, everyone who knows me will understand how much I love words and talking. The difficulty that Paul, the writer of the epistle, was warning about was not to disagree over small parts of interpreting the Bible to such an extent that people stop listening.

The whole point comes in verses 8 and 9. In these verses, there is a reminder that Jesus is always the most important. His is the gospel we proclaim.  As he wrote the epistle, Paul, was chained up. He couldn't go out and preach the gospel. However, he pointed out, God's word is never able to be chained up.

Well, that puts a stop to me getting arrogant over my Bible knowledge. Regardless of my circumstances, the word of God continues. The wonderful, life-giving message of Jesus can't be chained up. This is amazing.

This is all well and good. However, I am still to make sure that I am not challenged by a computer app masking as Jesus asking me how well I know Him. 

The beginning of the passage tells us to remember Jesus. We are then told that as we do this we need to present ourselves to God as a worker with no need to be ashamed. Not only this but later in the passage we are told of our need to explain the Word of truth. To tell people about Jesus. 

The major challenge is not to spend time arguing about what we think the word of God, the Bible, means if it causes us to stop thinking about Jesus. The word continues unchained and our job is to make sure that we do not need to be ashamed before God. As we remember Jesus so we know that we are, to tell the truth about Him,  to love as He loves and to proclaim the good news of salvation.

We are all able to have a relationship with God. The Bible teaches us, but we are to use it to help us and others know the amazing saving power of God. After all no Bible trivia game can ever beat a relationship with our God. 

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