Friday, November 25, 2022

Being in the light

This Sunday will see the beginning of Advent. I always used to love Advent as a child because the countdown to Christmas was beginning.  As an adult I have enjoyed the first Sunday of Advent as the beginning of the Church year. There is something reassuring in the consistency of one Church year out and another year in. I often used to get confused as to why we started the year before January when I was younger, but now it all makes sense. The Church year begins with a period of waiting. Like the people of Israel in the Old Testament we wait, except that we know that Jesus, the long-awaited Messiah has come.

In the readings for this Sunday, there is hope in Isaiah 2:1-5 with the description of people going to the mountain of God. A really beautiful picture of joy and hope with the final words, ‘come, let us walk in the light of the Lord.’   It is very encouraging.

In the epistle reading (Romans 13:11-14) we read Paul telling the people that salvation was near and this meant that they needed to be ready. It all sounds very exciting, we are to be alert. Not just this, but there is a dress code. It is that we are to put on the armour of light. Basically, we are to clothe ourselves with God, that is to live so much like Him that we are full of His light.

It all sounds great, advent will begin by us being told to walk in the light of the Lord and also to put on the armour or light. However, just in case it is all sounding too lovely I have noticed that we are being instructed to actually do something which involves us moving. We are to walk in the light and put on the armour of light. We are to make an active decision to allow God’s light

Now, it is sounding more like a normal advent to me. In advent we are waiting to celebrate God coming amongst us as a baby, growing and living in our world. We are also encouraged to make sure we are ready spiritually as we look towards Jesus coming again.

The gospel reading (Matthew 24:36-44) is a reminder to be ready for Jesus’ second coming. In the reading we are reminded of everyone carrying on as normal in the time of Noah. However, there was a nasty surprise when the flood came. This is a reminder that when Jesus comes again people could be doing normal things when suddenly there is a big shift and change. People will be taken by surprise. This is a good jolt for us as we enter into advent. We don’t know when the world will end, we don't know when Jesus will return. 

That all sounds a little less encouraging than walking in the light and being clothed in the armour of light. But it doesn't need to be because it does mean that by enjoying the light of God we will always be ready. As we wait, we wait in the knowledge that we know the light of God. Knowing that helps me, once again, to know that everything will be alright in the end.

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