Thursday, January 12, 2023

I wanna be like you

I often find certain songs will pop into my head that I can't stop singing to myself. One of these came about when I looked at the gospel reading for this coming Sunday (John 1:29-42). The song was “I wanna be like you”. This is from the Disney film ‘The Jungle Book’. It is sung by the bear, Baloo, to Mowgli a little boy. Baloo wanted to be able to make fire and to be like a human.

The words, “I wanna be like you” sounds like a perfect description of what being a follower of Jesus should be. In  the Gospel reading (John 1:29-42) we read of Andrew following Jesus, and he was so impressed that he called his brother Simon Peter to join him in seeing Jesus.

Following is more than just traipsing behind. This is because it really is about trying to be like the one we follow. Earlier in the gospel reading, John the Baptist was able to tell people who Jesus was.  This is because he had not only baptised Jesus but he had seen the Spirit of God descend on Him like a dove. It is easy to see why John believed, he had seen something amazing. Not just this but, he decided that he needed to tell others. Just like Andrew, he decided that he needed to share the news. I wonder whether this is following as well? It makes sense. After all, to be more like Jesus, we do as He did. This involves telling others about Him. 

If following also involves telling others, then what does it mean to follow Jesus ? I don't think we have to sing, “I wanna be like you’ to Jesus but of course this does mean following and acting like He did and does.

In the passage we only read that Andrew and Peter followed. If this was all we knew about the disciples then we would only think of following as choosing Jesus. Not a bad start but what comes next? Of course as we read on in the gospel we read of Jesus having 12 disciples plus others who followed Him. They saw Jesus teach, heal, love others and ultimately be crucified and resurrected for us.

What does it all mean for us to follow so we can be just like Jesus?  For me the words of the collect for Sunday sum everything up. It is my favourite collect. This is because it admits that we need the grace of God to transform us, so that we can become more like the one we follow. We just need to be humble enough to ask God to make us more like Him.

The collect is: 

 Almighty God,

in Christ you make all things new:

transform the poverty of our nature by the riches of your grace,

and in the renewal of our lives

make known your heavenly glory;

through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord,

who is alive and reigns with you

and the Holy Spirit,

one God, now and for ever. AMEN


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