Thursday, March 30, 2023

Waving and weeping

This coming Sunday is Palm Sunday.  On this day we remember the crowds praising Jesus and following him into Jerusalem whilst He was riding on a donkey. Things took a dramatic downturn though. As next week goes on we will remember all the pain Jesus suffered.

I remember a lady who told me that she was always really sad during holy week. The reason for this, she said, was that she couldn’t understand how anyone could be so horrible to Jesus. 

Certainly Holy Week does take us through lots of emotions and challenges as we remember all that Jesus both has done and keeps doing for us.

There are a couple of readings from the gospel according to Matthew on Sunday. The first (Matthew 21:1-11) of these describes how Jesus sent his disciples to find a donkey, which they did.  I think the disciples could have wondered what on earth they were doing. They had been sent on a very mysterious errand. Jesus told them to go to a particular place and ask for a donkey. Jesus used this donkey to ride into Jerusalem.

As He did this, He was greeted by people who were full of joy, praising Him.  I wonder if the people were caught up in the moment and were happy to join in the celebration. Did they know what they were celebrating? Or maybe they knew the prophecy (Zechariah 9:9) about the chosen one, the one who would save them, riding into Jerusalem on a donkey. This would have been an obvious reason to rejoice. 

I can imagine word spreading quickly of the incredible scenes of celebration. However, as I picture people cheering I also wonder about the religious leaders of the time. They had promised Rome, who were their occupying force, that there would not be any disturbance or attempts to overthrow Roman rule. A group of people surrounding a teacher with as big a following as Jesus had, would have been a concern. In addition to this the leaders didn't agree with all that Jesus was teaching.

Something needed to be done as far as they were concerned, Jesus needed to be stopped. This happened with the arrest, trial and crucifixion of Jesus. 

Back to Sunday. As I remember the triumphal entry into Jerusalem I am left with a question which challenges me. This is because, I often think of the people who were cheering for Jesus on Palm Sunday and  wonder if they also formed part of the crowd who were crying for Jesus to be crucified in the other gospel reading (Matthew 27:11-54) for this Sunday.

I am sure that I would not have wanted to be part of the crowd looking for Jesus to be crucified. The challenge is though, do I really make sure that I always show my love for Jesus and my desire to follow Him as fully as I can? It is one of those thoughts that pulls me up. Am I giving the best I can to Jesus ? Am I living as someone who follows Him above everything else ?  

On Sunday we will be entering Holy Week, but as we journey through the week, as we think of the events of Maundy Thursday and Good Friday there is a challenge. This is, are we ready to make sure that we think of all that Jesus both has done, and continues to do for us, and to living our lives as a response to this ? 

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