Friday, February 17, 2023

Thinking about meeting God

As I looked at the readings for this Sunday I got thinking about what it might feel like to physically meet God. I can't imagine it really but if I tried to come up with words they would probably include ‘wonderful’ and ‘awe inspiring’. Then as I thought about the readings for this week and their descriptions of meeting God I wondered about excitement, fear, awe.

In the Old testament reading (Exodus 24:12-18) we read of Moses going up Mount Sinai to meet with God.  A lot of strange things had happened to Moses. He had previously met God through a burning bush. God had used him to get the people out of slavery in Egypt and now, as they wandered through the wilderness, God had laws to give him.

Moses went up the mountain as God had asked him to. To be honest I don't think the answer no would have been a good one. Moses went up, taking Joshua with him. When Moses got to the mountain it was covered by a cloud. This stayed for six days. Finally, on the seventh day God called to Moses. There was what looked like a fire. Moses was there for 40 days and 40 nights. 

A cloud, a fire and  we are told, Moses stayed there for a very long time.  Maybe for Moses, meeting God was surprising, mysterious, and the glory of God appeared to be like a fire. It was certainly a dramatic meeting.

In the gospel reading (Matthew 17:1-9) we read of the transfiguration of Jesus. This was another dramatic meeting, this time with glory which was dazzling. Jesus’ appearance changed. His face shone like the sun, his robes became dazzling white. This is amazing, can you imagine that feeling? A normal walk up a mountain and then your leader becomes like the sun, with dazzling clothes.

Not just this, but then suddenly two great hero’s appeared. Moses who brought the law to the people after he met with God and Elijah who prophesied to the people telling them how best they could keep that law. Peter had the reaction of wanting to hold onto this incredible feeling for as long as he could. He didn’t want this experience of being surrounded by Jesus, Moses and Elijah to end. This was something so incredible how could it possibly end? 

Peter was stopped in his plans by Moses and Elijah disappearing and God the Father speaking, telling Peter, James and John to listen to Jesus. 

The disciples were reassured that Jesus was not only worth following but He could still amaze them. 

Perhaps I see meeting with God as reassuring. After all, God had spoken to Moses and led the people of Israel out of Egypt. As Jesus was transfigured before them the three disciples could see that the one they followed really was God. 

In the gospel the next account we read is of Jesus and the three disciples going straight back to caring for others as Jesus healed a little boy.  The disciples had been energised, they had experienced something amazing. It gives me hope and assurance that Jesus will give me all I need. He will do the same for you, may we always remember the times when we have turned to God and just known everything would be ok in the end. This is a feeling that’s definitely worth pursuing. 

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